
March 10, 2025

Horse Council BC (HCBC), in accordance with the organization’s by-laws, is seeking candidates for four (4) positions of Directors each for three-year terms. We are pleased to provide this nomination package that outlines the expectations of Directors of Horse Council BC together with their role and responsibilities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nominations close at 4:00 PM, Friday, April 7th 2025.

Prospective candidates interested in serving on the Board of Directors are encouraged to review the Roles & Responsibilities, eligibility information, timelines, instructions and submit a completed Nomination Form by the deadline.

Ideal candidates include dedicated individuals with the dynamic and relevant skills to take on a leadership role in the governance of the organization.  Directors will have the opportunity to help HCBC effectively deliver on the mission, and vision of the organization.


All Directors represent and are accountable to the entire membership and are responsible for governing and overseeing the strategic direction of Horse Council BC.  The effectiveness of HCBC is directly dependent on the leadership and enthusiasm of the Board of Directors.

As a member of the Board of Directors, each Director will:

  • exercise good judgment and act with integrity;
  • use their ability, experience and influence constructively;
  • work on behalf of all members throughout the province;
  • be available as a resource to members, the Executive Director, the Board of Directors and Committees;
  • respect and preserve the confidentiality of information they receive or have access to as a result of, or by virtue of their position as a Director, including information arising at meetings of the Board of Directors or its committees;
  • advise the Executive Director and/or Board Chair of relevant issues that come to their attention, or in advance of introducing significant and previously unknown information at a Board of Directors’ meeting;
  • understand the difference between governing and managing, and not encroach on the Executive Director’s and staff areas of responsibility;
  • participate in the Society’s strategic planning process and monitor the Society’s progress in relation to the strategic plan;
  • as necessary and appropriate, communicate with the Board Chair and Executive Director between meetings;
  • demonstrate a willingness and availability for individual consultation with the Board Chair and Executive Director;
  • participate in the hiring and performance evaluation of the Executive Director; and
  • participate in the performance evaluation of the Board.

In addition, nominees must be HCBC members in good standing as of the date of record and must be supported by two HCBC members in good standing.

Please note that all candidates will be reviewed using a skills matrix. The Nominations Committee will evaluate applicants and advance only candidates that meet the listed criteria for election. The Nominations Committee Terms of Reference have been included as an appendix to this package for your consideration.

If you have any questions about the process and/or associated information, please contact the HCBC office at (1-800-345-8055 ext. 1008) or email: [email protected].

Download the Nominations Package

Apply Online