New! Development Grants for Coach Candidates with a Disability
Horse Council BC (HCBC), in collaboration with viaSport, is excited to announce a new grant program aimed at supporting coach candidates with disabilities. We recognize that while all coach candidates encounter challenges during the certification process, those with disabilities often face additional obstacles.
To help level the playing field, HCBC is pleased to offer $500.00 grants to eligible coach candidates with disabilities. This funding will assist candidates in overcoming barriers they may face in pursuing their EC/NCCP coach or instructor certifications, including costs associated with training, resources, mentoring and access to the evaluation (in person or video), or the fees for Cohort participation.
For more information about the grant, eligibility criteria, and the application form, please contact [email protected]. Grants will be awarded until the funding amount is exhausted.
Description and application can be downloaded here:
Grant for Coach Candidates with Disabilities 2
Important notice about First Aid for all Coaches and Instructors
Please be aware that all coaches and instructors need to hold a Standard First Aid certificate. This is a 2 day course, generally about 16 hours long. Emergency First Aid, OFA 1 or the online ProFirstAid courses will not meet the EC criteria.
The course can be a two day classroom course or can be a 1 day online course followed by a one day classroom course (blended).
Revision to the Learn to Ride/Drive manuals
December 2023 EC has changed the information and requirements in the Rider testing materials and handbooks. The revisions involve Mane Pulling, Ear and Nose trimming and Stable Vices. To see the revisions and where they will apply in the manuals, click here
EC Introduces the Registered and Licensed Coach Status program
Beginning in 2021 EC has implemented Registered and Licensed Coach Status’s. To find out more go to https://www.equestrian.ca/programs-services/coaches/coach-status-program or here: https://hcbc.ca/coaching/equestrian-canada-coach-instructor-licensing-program/
HCBC presentation on how to purchase Registered or Licensed Status
2023 News
HCBC Presentation on Navigating the Locker, January 2023 View Here
EC Sport License Requirements for Coaches and Instructors
Equestrian Canada has announce a change regarding the level of Sport License a EC Coach or Instructor needs to hold. Beginning in 2019 the following will be required:
Coaching Level | Required Sport License |
Instructor | Bronze |
Competition Coach | Bronze |
Coach Specialist | Silver |
High Performance 1 | Gold |
Self Reporting Active Coaching
Locker Presentation how to report active coaching and self report PD
From grassroots to high performance, on the field, in the pool, on the ice and snow, or on the track — coaches are constantly learning. By being actively engaged in coaching, coaches are able to learn from their athletes, peers, and situations on and off the field of play.
Coaches naturally rely on the education formed through their experiences to handle whatever situation is thrown at them. That’s why we are recognizing coaches who are actively coaching with one PD point a year. By completing this active coaching declaration you are stating that in the calendar year submitted, you coached an athlete(s).
Have you coached this year? Click here to log in to The Locker to complete the Active Coaching Declaration and earn one PD point. Click on “self-report” under “certification”. Don’t forget to come back next year and declare again!
2024 HCBC Membership Renewals
Don’t forget to renew your HCBC memberships for 2024. The office is closed during Christmas Break and New Years, so if you have not renewed before December 31, you will not have personal HCBC insurance coverage until you renew.
Criminal Record Searches
Coaches, Instructors and Candidates should now use Sterling Back Check to obtain the required Criminal Record Search or to renew it.
This service is very fast, often completed after only 2 days. Results are automatically sent to [email protected] and the coach or candidate can also access their results.
English, Western and Driver Rider Exams
New for 2021, in order for a coach or instructor to administer any Rider or Driver exam they must be EC Certified, Current, Trained and hold Licensed Coach status.
As of January 1, 2017 the administration fee for complete the English and Western Exams will be $21.00 (includes GST) payable to HCBC. Where only the written component has been submitted, there is no certificate so no fee will be required. The Administration fee for each Learn to Drive level is $15.75 (includes GST). Equestrian Canada has provided newly branded Rider exams paperwork for Drive, English and the Western programs. Please contact [email protected] to obtain copies of the 2017 exams.
EC has put together a working group to address the errors in the written and riding tests from 2017. As soon as the revised and corrected exams are available, they will be sent to coaches and instructors who are EC Certified, Current and hold Licensed status.
Coaches and Instructors are reminded that all Exams must include payment when sent in to the office. Exams submitted without payment will be sent back to the testing coach. We do not keep credit card numbers on file, office policy does not allow us to write down credit card numbers and we ask that coaches do not write their credit card numbers on test papers they submit to HCBC. Payment can be made by cheque or money order and sent in with the testing paperwork, or the coach can phone the HCBC office with their credit card number.
2020 Covid Related Coach Newsletters
March 31 newsletter |
April 7 newsletter |
April 16 newsletter |
April 24 newsletter |
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