To all riders who pursue riding outside of the arena please review the AdventureSmart principles listed below. The AdventureSmart program was created by BC Search and Rescue Association and is now a nationally run program. This program covers basic survival skills for all outdoor enthusiasts and is a great start for learning how to prepare for the outdoors.
It’s important to BE AdventureSmart! If you’re planning on heading outdoors, every outdoor enthusiast should follow the 3 Ts;
● Trip Plan
● Train
● Take Essentials
With an increase in search and rescue incidents and an increase in outdoor recreation, British Columbians are urged to “get informed before they go outdoors!”
We rarely head out for an outdoor adventure with the expectation that something will go wrong, and, most times, everything will go right. However, that one time that the unexpected happens…your investment in Trip Safety can mean the difference between a successful outcome and becoming a statistic.

❏ Plan your travel route
❏ Know the terrain and conditions
❏ Check the weather
❏ Always fill out a trip plan (use the AdventureSmart TRIP PLAN APP)
❏ Obtain the knowledge and skills you need before heading out
❏ Know and stay within your limits.
❏ Obtain the knowledge and skills you need before heading out.
❏ Know and stay within your limits.
Always carry the essentials and know how to use them: (+ season & sport-specific gear)
❏ Fire making kit
❏ Signalling device (i.e. whistle)
❏ Extra food and water
❏ Extra clothing
❏ Navigational/communication devices
❏ First aid kit
❏ Emergency blanket/shelter
❏ Pocket knife
❏ Sun protection
Ensure that you:
● Make a plan and leave a plan (AdventureSmart Trip Plan App)
● Understand and recognize weather patterns
● Can read alpine terrain
● Wear or carry suitable clothing and proper footwear: Dress in layers.
● Be aware of cellular and satellite coverage in the area: It may be limited to
highway corridors or impacted by physical obstacles which can block the signal.
● Know your limits: Avoid injury and exceeding your abilities.
● NEED HELP? Call 911 – there is NO CHARGE FOR RESCUE.
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supports and created the BC AdventureSmart program.
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