Disease Surveillance
The program is a cooperative information sharing partnership between the B.C. government’s Animal Health Centre and veterinarians practicing in B.C. Verified diagnostic information regarding the occurrence of reportable, notifiable and non-reportable/notifiable diseases will be posted below in the B.C. Equine Disease Report
Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS)
Whether for sport, work or companionship, Canada is home to nearly one million equines. The CAHSS Equine Network brings together stakeholders from across disciplines and across the country to advance disease surveillance for Canada’s equine population. An effective equine surveillance system is essential to protect the health and well-being of horses and humans, safeguard the viability of the Canadian herd, ensure movement of horses and continuance of trade, and enhance the prosperity of the Canadian equine industry.
For information on Federally Reportable Diseases and updates go to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency site
Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) works to protect horses and the horse industry from the threat of infectious diseases in North America. The American based communication system is designed to seek and report real time information about disease outbreaks similar to how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerts the human population about diseases in people.
Working in cooperation with state animal health officials and the United State Department of Agriculture, the EDCC seeks information about current disease outbreaks from news media, social media, official state reports and veterinary practitioners. Once information is confirmed, it is immediately posted on this website and messages sent to all states and horse organizations by email. Daily updates are posted until each outbreak is contained or deemed no longer a threat.
BIO-SECURITY Your horses’ health starts on the farm with bio-security.
Biosecurity Brochure Biosecurity Poster
Bio-security: Measures that prevent the introduction and spread of contagious diseases.
Bio-security planning helps to ensure that practices routinely carried out on your farm are beneficial to your horses health.By adopting the guidelines below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your horses and your industry as healthy as possible.
Control movements of people, animals, equipment and vehicles;
- Into a designated zone,
- Out of a designated zone, and
- Between the designated zones.
This can be done through the use of controlled access points.
Plan animal introductions, and structure their movement within the premises and their removal from the premises.This includes using management strategies such as:
- Permanently identifying all animals and keeping records for traceability,
- Testing animals before introduction,
- Following post arrival isolation procedures,
Practice animal identification and good record keeping. It is important to participate in traceability systems where available.
- Ensure workers are knowledgeable and experienced in recognizing signs of disease. They should be able to do this by observing horses, behaviour, clinical signs, and feed and water consumption.
- Regular observation of your horses habits will make you more aware if you horse starts showing signs of being ‘off’ or unwell.
- Contact a veterinarian if you see symptoms of illness
- Work with your veterinarian to have a “disease response plan” in place for suspected cases of contagious or reportable diseases.
A disease response plan should include:
- Triggers for the response plan (for example, numerous horses showing signs of disease, a lack of response to routine treatments),
- Details of whom to contact,
- Plans for limiting movements of animals, people or vehicles on or off the premises, and
- Other measures determined by you and your veterinarian.
- Plan and control manure management according to municipal and provincial regulations. Planning should include measures for collecting, storing, moving, and disposing of manure in ways that minimize the chance of spreading any disease organisms.
- Keep the premises, buildings, equipment and vehicles clean;
- Buildings, equipment and vehicles should be cleaned regularly to prevent the introduction of disease and pests. Consider applying disinfectants when practical.
- Maintain facilities in good repair;
- Keeping your building in good repair makes it easier to ensure that your bio-security plan can be effectively implemented.
- This may include:
- Buildings and fences to prevent wildlife and people from entering the premises,
- Clean and secure feed storage areas to prevent access by wildlife, vermin, (and horses)!
- Proper drainage to avoid ‘standing and stagnant water
- Nutrition;
- Purchase quality feed and bedding from reliable sources.
- Ensure the water supply is free of contamination and readily available for your horses.
- Pests;
- Ensure a pest management program is in place to prevent the spread of disease.
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