2017 LTED Long Term Equestrian Development Model
The LTED is a systemic approach being developed and adopted by Equestrian Canada to maximize a participant/athlete’s potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery programs based on biological age rather than chronological age. It is athlete-centered, coach-driven and administration, sport science and sponsor supported.
By tailoring a participant/athlete’s sports development program to suit basic principles of growth and maturation, especially during the “critical” early years of their development, enables him/her to:
- Reach full potential (Introduction through to Olympic podium)
- Increase lifelong participation in equestrian sport and other physical activities
- Improve health and well-being
This framework will set out recommended training sequences and skills development for the participant from the Active Start Stage (age 6 and under) to the Active for Life Stage (adult recreational). It will address the physical, mental, emotional and technical needs of the athlete as they pass through each stage of development.
2019 Generic Sport Long Term Athlete Development Model revision
This resource provides a framework for the development of every child, youth, and adult to enable optimal participation in sport and physical activity. The objective of the framework is to promote both sporting excellence at the highest international level and life-long engagement in health-enhancing physical activity. This third edition brings a number of important updates and enhancements. Despite an unwavering belief that every child is born an athlete, Sport for Life has chosen to call this resource Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity for these reasons:
- To maintain focus on the key idea that development is a process that takes time, and that sport and physical activity should look very different, based on the individual’s stage of development.
- To reinforce the idea that long-term development is important both in sport performance and for life-long engagement in physical activity for health.
- To broaden the focus. Effective development requires the alignment of ALL parts of the Canadian sport and physical activity ecosystem, from community programming through to targeted high -performance sport excellence, and this involves far more than just sport organizations.
Resource Documents:
- LTAD Resource Paper
- Competition Document
- Physical, Mental and Cognitive, and Emotional Development Characteristics
- 2019 Generic Sport Long Term Athlete Development Model revision
Information Booklets:
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