Horse Council BC Provincially Recognized Officials’ Certification Program
The Horse Council BC (HCBC) Officials’ Certification Program provides interested individuals the opportunity to start their career as an official by working towards attaining a provincially recognized card in their chosen discipline(s).
Horse Council BC is pleased to offer members a credible Provincial Officials’ Certification Program in the following discipline categories:
- Dressage (basic) Judge
- Driving: Pleasure and Combined Judge
- General Performance Judge
- Hunter Judge
- Jumper Judge
- Hunter/Jumper Course Designer
- Vaulting Judge
Looking for an Official? Visit the HCBC Provincial Officials’ Online Directory https://hcbc.online/Find-an-Official
Do you have expertise in your chosen discipline(s)?
Consider becoming a Horse Council BC Carded Provincial Official today!
Why Become a Provincial Official ?
Officials are an integral part of the growth and development of equestrian sport. The Provincial Competition System consists of primarily lower or entry level competitions. As a Provincial Official working these competitions, you will be helping to support and encourage our grassroots level equestrian athletes as well as BC’s Provincial Competition system. Being an Official can be a rewarding, fun pathway and an excellent way to deepen your knowledge of Equestrian Sport. For those of us retiring our show clothes, it’s also a great way to stay connected and involved with the sport we love.
- You will be making a difference to Equestrian Athletes, whether they are just starting or are a seasoned Horse Show junkie! Your experience and educated eye will help to ensure everyone can enjoy their competition experience in a fun, welcoming, safe environment on an inclusive and level playing field. Certified or “carded” officials are required at all Provincially sanctioned shows which aides and provides competitions with the ability to consistently maintain a fair and level playing field.
- Follow the pathway! Provincial accreditation is an excellent way to start or maintain your career as an Official. Provincial Officials’ accreditation also provides great education and a pathway that opens doors for those who wish to further their career and gain accreditation with National or other programs.
- Expand your knowledge: without breaking the bank! To cut down on the expense of travelling to become a Certified Official or to maintain your certification , affordable Officials’ Development Programs, Clinics and Educational Opportunities will be available to you through HCBC via in person sessions, virtual webinars or online formats.
- Credibility: Holding Provincially recognized Officials Certification will give you added credibility.
- Free Exposure: All current Provincially Certified Officials will be listed on the Horse Council BC online Officials’ Directory Page. Competition Organizers looking for an Official will be directed to this page.
- Insurance Discounts: CapriCMW Insurance offers preferred rates to HCBC Provincial Officials.
- No Restrictions: HCBC Provincial Officials are independent contractors and may officiate at sanctioned or unsanctioned competitions and may hold multiple cards with other equestrian organizations without restriction.
** Designation as a licensed official is a privilege bestowed to individuals whose equine expertise and personal character merit the position. The individual’s conduct as a member and as an official must be exemplary and is subject to review. All officials are expected to be proficient in their respective divisions and possess a thorough knowledge of the rules. It is imperative that certified officials exhibit the highest standard of integrity at all times. The decisions of the official constitute solely their individual assessment and not the opinions of or decisions of Horse Council BC.
Policies Governing Provincially Approved Officials
- Applicants must hold current Adult HCBC membership.
- A HCBC Provincially Certified Official is accredited only within the Province of BC.
- A HCBC Provincially Certified Officials may not directly solicit a competition for an assignment.
- A HCBC Provincially Certified Official must agree to and sign the Horse Council BC Officials’ Code of Conduct and Officials’ Disciplinary Policy
Application Process
- Complete and submit the Provincial Officials Application (see below).Ensure the $25.00 (includes GST) Processing Fee is included with the application.
- Provide four letters of recommendation from individuals active within the horse industry. Each letter must reference the discipline the candidate is applying for; if the candidate is applying for multiple disciplines, letters of recommendation must speak to experience in all disciplines applied for. At least two sponsors must be a certified HCBC or Equestrian Canada (EC) official. All sponsors must be members in good standing with their provincial/national equestrian federation.
- Submit a minimum of four (4) Mentoring/Shadowing Forms (see below). Applicants must shadow a Senior HCBC or EC official at four (4) separate HCBC or EC sanctioned competitions. Each session should be conducted under a different official whenever possible. Shadowing must be conducted for the discipline selected on the application. The Senior Official overseeing the applicant shadowing, must complete the Mentoring Form.
- Applicants must have at least three positive recommendations reported from the Senior Mentors to be successful.
- Applicants must attend an official’s clinic (either HCBC or EC approved), relevant to their sought discipline(s).
- Successfully complete the applicable HCBC official’s written exam with a minimum score of 80%. Note: If applicants are looking to be carded in multiple disciplines, the applicant must complete each relevant discipline exam. There is a fee of $75.00 per test taken.
- A review will be conducted upon applicants’ successful submission of the application, completion of officials clinic, and written exam specific for the discipline category. References will also be reviewed.
- Written notification will be sent to applicants of certification status, including any comments or conditions required.
Dressage Only Applicants:
Applicants seeking Provincial Dressage Certification must also complete and submit a HCBC Dressage Officials Program Scribing Form (see below). This form verifies that the applicant has scribed for a minimum of 8 hours during sanctioned competition with a Senior Dressage official.
Hunter/ Jumper Course Design Applicants:
Applicants seeking Provincial Hunter/Jumper Course Designer Certification must also complete and submit a HCBC Course Design Officials Program Shadowing Form. This form is to be used by all Course Design applicants to register their experience of officiating at competitions.
** All applications may be accepted at any time, all supporting documents must be submitted/completed within one year of the initial application date.**
Provincial Officials Application Forms
HCBC Officials Program Application Form
HCBC Officials Program Shadowing Form
HCBC Officials Program Mentoring Form
HCBC Officials Program Dressage Scribing Form
HCBC Course Design Officials Program Shadowing Form
Maintaining your Officials’ Certification
- A Provincial Recognized Official must be an Adult member in good standing with Horse Council BC.
- A Provincial Recognized Official cannot be under suspension from any other equestrian organization.
- A Provincial Recognized Official must provide proof of attendance to six recognized courses, clinics or symposiums within three years
- A Provincially Approved Official must attend a minimum of one EC, Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) or HCBC-hosted official’s development seminar/course, relevant to the official’s credentials held, within each three year period, and pass the written exam with a minimum of 80%. An Officials Updating Record Form must also be submitted to HCBC.
HCBC Officials Program Updating Form
Reinstatement, Re-enrollment, and Re-application of Officials’ Certification
- An official who is eligible to renew (up to date on clinic, exam and officiating requirements) his/her certification will have one full competition year after the lapse of their status(s) to renew by the standard procedure.
- If two competition years have passed since an official has renewed his/her Certification(s), they must request a reinstatement of Certificate. A request for reinstatement must be submitted to the HCBC Competitions Manager for presentation to the Officials Committee.
- If three but less than five competition years have lapsed since an official has renewed his/her Certification(s) they must then apply for reenrollment of those Certificates, following the specific requirements outlined for each.
- If five or more competition years have lapsed since an official has renewed his/ her status(s) they must then re-apply for Certification and follow the full application requirements specified.
HCBC Officials Program Extension / Reinstatement Form
Designation Review
A Provincially carded Official’s conduct and ability must be exemplary and is subject to continual review. The accreditation is revocable at any time under the direction of the HCBC Officials Review Committee ( appointed by the HCBC Staff and BOD), with written notice served by registered mail or courier to the last known address of the Official.
Appeals of such decision may be made in writing and accompanied by a one hundred dollar ($100.00) deposit payable to Horse Council BC. At their discretion HCBC may or may not call for a formal review before a panel of peers not in excess of four (4) members. If the formal review finds in favor of the Official the one hundred dollar deposit will be returned. If no reversal of decision results after review the one hundred dollar deposit will be retained.
For a printable version of the Horse Council BC Officials Certification Program and Guidelines please click here:
HCBC Officials Program Guidelines
Provincially Recognized Officials Development Certification Program Guidelines and Code of Conduct
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