Sanctioned Competitions

Do your part to help keep our horses safe


Sport restrictions in the province of  BC regarding COVID19 have been lifted. Please be advised it is still recommended that all competitions have a Communicable Disease Plan in place 

Provincial Rules Officials

HCBC Provincial Rules Officials are available to attend Provincially sanctioned competitions to offer both competition management and competitors assistance in understanding, interpreting and guidance of HCBC rules. A PRO may assist show management with the development and rule content in Prizelists as well as help to address questions, concerns, assist with any disputes or conflict resolution and encourage a safe, friendly and enjoyable competition experience for both horses and competitors.

Horse Council BC Provincial Rules Official (PRO) Incentive Fund

Two years ago, HCBC launched the Provincial Rules Official (PRO) pilot program.

Why have a PRO attend your competition?

The HCBC Provincial Rules Officials attend Provincially sanctioned competitions to offer help and guidance with HCBC rules, assist show management with the development and rule content in Prizelists as well as help to address questions, concerns, aide management with any disputes or conflict resolution and encourage a safe, friendly and enjoyable competition experience for both horses and competitors.

This year approved provincial competitions meeting the HCBC PRO Incentive Fund Criteria may apply for $500.00 in funding from HCBC to go towards covering the cost of having a PRO attend their competition. Pros will be assigned by the HCBC office

There are ten applications available in 2025.

PRO Incentive Fund Criteria

PRO Fund Application

Provincial Rules Officials will be assigned to competitions by the HCBC office dependent on their discipline expertise

Cat Armitage All purpose Eventing Derby
Christine Jewell All purpose
Daryl Freed All purpose
Dennis Huber Driving
Joan Weir All purpose
Josh Hoyles Driving
Katie Ostberg All purpose
Kelly Coughlin All purpose
Lynda Ramsay All purpose,Eventing Derby
Monique Hubbs Michiel All purpose
Patti Amos Thomas All purpose
Sara Laxton All purpose
Tina Knott Driving

If you would like more info or are interested in becoming a PRO please contact [email protected]

Sanction your Competition

Learn how to use the HCBC Online Sanctioning System, Horse Sport Pro here:


Good question,

The fundamental reason for sanctioning a competition is to ensure that Competition Organizers have the tools and support they need to operate, within the recognized sport framework, follow current safety rules and guidelines and are aware of risk management that is necessary and of the upmost importance for hosting a well planned, successful competition.

HCBC sanctioned competitions are governed by the current Horse Council BC Rule Book which can be found at the following link:  HCBC Rule Book .

Through the HCBC Officials Program, we have also developed a deep pool of well trained and knowledgeable officials. Licensed or approved officials are required at all provincially sanctioned shows which aides and provides competitions with the ability to consistently maintain a fair and level playing field.

Find an Official here:

It is also important to know that sanctioning equestrian competitions allows us to capture the activity that demonstrates the value of equestrian sport to government at all levels.

To help support and promote our equestrian events and competitions, all approved sanctioned competitions, are listed on the Horse Council BC calendar of events. HCBC Events Listings

Horse Council BC welcomes and encourages all grass roots and entry level competition organizers to sanction their show with us. By doing so we can work together to ensure a fun, safe environment within a fair playing field that will aide towards the growth and success of the sport we all love.

Horse Council BC recognized provincial sanctioned competitions are for entry level competitions and administered directly by Horse Council BC.

Horse Council BC Officials are required. OFFICIALS DIRECTORY


Determine the level of competition which best suits your location and competitors either an HCBC provincial competition or EC national Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum competition.

Competition organizers are required to submit the following:

  • Certificate of Insurance provided to you by your Insurance provider or download  Certificate of Insurance  and have it endorsed by your Insurance provider within a minimum of one month prior to application.
  • Prize list/ Entry Forms/ Waiver 
  • The competition application and all required information must be uploaded through the online system within a minimum of one month prior to the competition or event date(s) and before publishing, posting online or distributing the prize list.

Please remember, all prize lists must now include the following disclaimer:

“It is the responsibility of the show/event committee, or organizers and the facility owners and managers to ensure that all BC Health Authority,viaSport and WorkSafeBC directives are followed and enforced. Please follow all vaccination requirements as dictated by your Regional Health Authority. Horse Council is not a regulatory body and it is understood and agreed that sanctioning and approval of either a HCBC Provincial circuit event or Equestrian Canada Bronze or Silver competition relates to the use of the rule book and approved officials only”.

This Competition is a Horse Council BC provincially sanctioned Competition and will be governed in accordance with the Horse Council BC Rule Book. Knowledge of the Rules is the responsibility of the Competitor.

The Horse Council BC Rule Book, will be used and can be found at the following link:   General Rules

Neither Horse Council BC, its Board of Directors, organizing committee, staff, volunteers, officials, or employees of this horse show, will be responsible in any way, for damage, injury, or loss to persons, horses or property of exhibitors, spectators, owners, riders, trainers, or grooms.  All competitors and owners of horses must be members of Horse Council BC to participate”

  •  Post Competition: Competition ID Report  Competition_ID_ Report 2021   may also be completed through the online Competition Administration portal following the event.(Comp ID Reporting is very  important. HCBC gathers this data for all shows. The data collected goes to the government. The more reporting and data sent will help to legitimize equestrian activity in the province and build awareness of our sport at municipal and regional levels. The data collected is also used to determine sport funding. We understand it’s a pain to fill these forms out, but it really is important to equestrian and the growth or our sport in the eyes of the government.)

 The  new and improved HCBC online competition sanctioning system will be available soon ,where you will be able to simply and efficiently submit all required information!

Competitions will be  posted on the Horse Council BC Competitions Calendar upon administrative approval.

Equestrian Canada

Equestrian Canada (EC) sanctioned competitions are national competitions governed by Equestrian Canada discipline rules.  EC licensed officials,  judges, course designers, technical delegates, and stewards are required to officiate at any EC national competition .

Equestrian Canada competition documents and more information can be found on the Equestrian Canada website at

All Horse Trials, Platinum  or Gold competitions or multiple levels of EC Bronze, Silver, Gold competitions must be submitted to Equestrian Canada directly.

Equestrian Canada (EC) national competition documents can be found at: Equestrian Canada Competition Documents

EC Dressage Test User Fee

All sanctioned Dressage shows wanting to use EC Dressage Tests must pay a test user fee which is payable directly to EC.

  • Provincially (PTSO) sanctioned competitions – $1 per test to a maximum of $20
  • EC Bronze sanctioned competitions – $1 per test to a maximum of $30

Organizers will be able to pay securely by credit card and will receive a receipt with the competition number and password to access the EC Competition Support Portal.

Please clink on the following link: