When we speak for horsemen our membership numbers give credibility to our cause. We are a source of information regarding other user groups and ways of working with them. We have experience with stewardship agreements, partnerships and organizing projects. Horse Council BC and Back Country Horsemen provide insurance for riders and volunteers on trails. We offer our expertise on equestrian trail use, related issues and conflicts.
The stated purpose of JTAC is:
- To advocate for, and preserve equine access on public land
- To gather, record, and distribute information about new and existing trails
- To cooperate with the affiliates and clubs as well as other stakeholders
- To coordinate representation to all government bodies
This committee is positioned to speak from the perspective of the recreational and trail riders throughout the province. It will offer information and advice on trail related issues to individual riders as well as other user groups and governments.
Projects in progress include:
- Connecting with other equestrian clubs
- Connecting with other recreational user groups
- Developing relationships with the government regulating bodies
- Maintaining a database of trail maps and information on the Online Trail Guide
- Maintaining a database of contacts in different levels of government
- Preparing a checklist of information needed when approaching land owners and managers
- Updating safety information on interactions with other users and road safety
For more information on JTAC please contact [email protected]
Horse Council BC has established a discussion group for horsemen and horsewomen and other stakeholders concerned with the establishment of new equestrian trails and horse camps and the protection of existing equestrian trails and horse camps in British Columbia. To join in the conversation, please visit the Recreation and Trails Discussion Board on our Forums.
An online survey was conducted in the summer of 2012 by the Joint Trails and Access Committee and more than 700 people responded. The results have been compiled into a report and were released January 2013, entitled: Moving Forward: BC Equestrian Trail User Study.
Next Steps is a working document to help JTAC and others set goals based on evidence provided by the Trail User Study. It also identifies strategies and accomplishments already achieved. But the most useful are the recommendations put forward for action. When these are completed we will truly have taken that “next step!”
In May 2014 Recreation Sites and Trails (RST) took the initial steps to establish the PTAB along with the Outdoor Recreation Council BC (ORC). The PTAB will play a key role in the dialogue, development, and facilitation of the Trails Strategy for BC. Information about PTAB and meeting minutes can be found on the ORC website. The ORC and PTAB collaborated on a survey this year and you can find the report here: BC Trail Survey Findings.
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