How to Request Enhanced Equestrian Warning Signage from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
From the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Technical Circular “Horse and Rider Warning Signs’:
“The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTi) has been approached by a group of riders and the Horse Council of B.C. regarding improvements to the horse and rider signage. Specifically, they are seeking to remind drivers to be more aware in areas where riders may be present and more courteous when passing horse and riders. Previously, the horse and rider sign (W-064-11) was used on its own with minimal guidance on application or placement. Incorporating tabs that clarify where horseback riders may be present or reminding drivers to “share the road”, as they do with cyclists and pedestrians, may improve driver awareness, consideration, and safety for the horse and rider as well as the driver.
From the Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings: The horse and rider sign warns motorists of potential horseback riders on the roadway. This sign may be used on narrow or winding roadways where horseback riding is known to take place. The W-064-11 sign shall be installed just prior to the start of any roadway used for horseback riding. These revised guidelines provide more information about applications of the signs and introduces the use of tabs to provide more information for all road users. REVISED GUIDELINES: Horse and rider signs (W-064-11) alert motorists to the potential presence of horseback riders on the roadway. Drivers in rural areas may not be expecting horses nor be familiar with the behaviour of horses. Loud noises or passing vehicles can spook a horse, causing them to throw their rider or move into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Applying tabs, to W-064-11 signs, that provide more information about where horses can be expected, or to share the road, can help prevent surprise and promote courtesy.”
Your signage options are, the basic equestrian warning sign plus ONE of the following tabs shown below if needed.
All MoTI district and sub-district offices have received the MoTI Technical Circular T-02/19 regarding equestrian-requested signage.
Find the MoTI district or sub-district office closest to you, here:
You’ll need to provide the following to the district or sub-district Operations Manager or their designate, in writing:
- Your designated contact person, with their email and telephone contact information. It’s best to choose someone who will be readily available to work with MoTI personnel
- A detailed map of the area you where you wish to improve signage, clearly marking the stretch of road equestrians must use, and showing suggested locations for signage
Questions? Please see our FAQ page here: or contact [email protected]
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) has made a welcome change to the way equestrian warning signage is implemented on British Columbia’s roads.
Effective immediately, equestrian groups around BC that would like to add or improve road signage in areas where riders must use public roads will be able to contact Ministry district and sub-district offices and ask for enhanced signage.
The familiar diamond-shaped, yellow and black profile of a horse and rider warning sign will be either installed, or if already present, augmented upon written request, by a supplementary tab stating ‘Share The Road’, or a tab stating the kilometre or metre count within which motorists can expect to see horses on the road, or a ‘Crossing’ tab.
Dr MaryJane Bowie of Rocking Horse Loop Riders in Nanoose Bay, in cooperation with the Recreation desk at Horse Council BC, worked with Ross McLean, Manager of MoTI’s Provincial Sign Program and Jennifer Hardy, MoTI Senior Traffic Standards Engineer to come up with the enhancement program. On behalf of all our members, and all road riders in BC, we are grateful to Mr McLean, Ms Hardy and to the Ministry for recognizing a need and taking positive steps to address it.
Road riders are encouraged to wear high visibility items such as fluorescent vests whenever they’re coming into contact with vehicle traffic, and to ensure that their horses are road-trained and ready for the experiences they’ll encounter.
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