Langley, BC – August 09, 2017 – Horse Council BC is pleased to be able to work with the RCMP Musical Ride, Victoria Military Music Festival Society, Hunt Valley Farm North and Pony Club to host an educational workshop on equine biosecurity.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride is coming to Southern Vancouver Island August 24-28, with performances at Hatley Park/Royal Roads University ( and Topaz Park ( Get the full Musical Ride schedule here:
The RCMP Musical Ride horses will be stabled in Kate Phoenix’s beautiful new barns, Hunt Valley Farm North in Saanich, BC. In preparation for the RCMP horses arrival, stabling must meet RCMP Ride specifications including following basic biosecurity protocols. To keep these horses healthy and performing well the stalls must not only be clean, but sanitized to prevent the spread of disease.
Horse Council BC is pleased to be able to work with the RCMP Musical Ride and Hunt Valley Farm to host an educational workshop. Pony Club volunteers will provide the elbow grease and receive the necessary training to complete stall preparation for the arrival of the ride horses on August 24. Everyone is welcome to attend this free workshop to learn all about proper biosecurity protocol.
Thank you to Vetoquinol for supporting this event and providing the materials and training to ensure a healthy environment for the horses to stay in.
Horse Council BC would like to welcome the RCMP Musical Ride to BC for Canada’s 150th Birthday Celebrations!

Hamilton, ON Canada – September 24, 2016: RCMP Musical ride participants filing into lines of four moving towards the front of the arena the Ancaster Agricultural Fair, Hamilton Ontario Canada. Photo credit: iStockPhoto – SkyF
When: Wednesday August 23, 2017
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Where: Hunt Valley Farm North Dooley Rd., West Saanich, BC
Hosted by Horse Council BC, Victoria Military Music Festival Society and Erin Rutowski with Vetoquinol
Volunteer Support: Greater Victoria Branch – BC Islands Region Pony Club – Laura Fanning
For information contact:
Susan Harrison
[email protected]
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