To: Horse Council BC Senior Members

Subject: Call for Nominations for Position of Director At Large

Two Director at Large – each a 2-year term position is open for election this year

Any current HCBC Senior member in good standing is eligible for a Director at Large position, provided a nominator other than themselves, and 5 additional current Horse Council BC senior members supports their nomination. Nominations must be accompanied by a brief biography of no more than 250 words. Failure to meet these requirements by the deadline will render the nomination void. Nomination forms are available on the next pages of this document. Completed nomination forms must be submitted to the office marked “Attention: Returning Officer”, no later than 4:00 pm Thursday, August 27, 2015. Voting links, ballots and biographies will be posted on the website by 4:00 pm Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Voting will take place using the electronic voting system closing at noon on Friday, October 2, 2015. The Executive Director shall be the returning officer for this election. If you have questions please contact the office at the numbers listed below.


Lisa Laycock
Executive Director
Horse Council BC