Home/HCBC Marketing & Communications

About HCBC Marketing & Communications

Horse Council BC is a membership-driven not-for-profit association representing the interests of the equine industry in all sectors throughout British Columbia. Tradition, strong values and superior hard work provided by our volunteers has made Horse Council BC the largest and most successful multi-discipline, multi-breed equine association in Canada.
11 08, 2017

Horse Council BC, the Victoria Military Music Festival Society and the RCMP Musical Ride to host a free biosecurity workshop for local horse owners on Vancouver Island


Langley, BC – August 09, 2017 - Horse Council BC is pleased to be able to work with the RCMP Musical Ride, Victoria Military Music [...]

Horse Council BC, the Victoria Military Music Festival Society and the RCMP Musical Ride to host a free biosecurity workshop for local horse owners on Vancouver Island2017-08-11T14:46:55-07:00
10 07, 2017

Wildfire Information


BC Government Wildfire Service: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/bcwildfire/ Current Wildfires - Interactive Map: http://apps.gov.bc.ca/pub/dmf-viewer/… BC FIRE info Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BCForestFireInfo?fref=nf Horse Council BC - Disaster Preparedness https://hcbc.ca/in…/equine-welfare/disaster-preparedness/ Informative [...]

Wildfire Information2017-07-10T16:02:51-07:00

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