The purpose of the 2019 Equine Industry Economic Impact Study is to determine the current status of the British Columbian equine industry and calculate its economic benefit and contribution to the provincial economy. The study focuses on the broad scope of all businesses and services in BC, directly and indirectly,
relating to the horse industry. Additionally, the study is concerned with comparing the current size of the industry with the size of the industry in both 2009 and 1998. The completed study will update the data and figures for all stakeholders in the equine industry in terms of land use and overall economic impact.
As a result of the study, it is hoped that HCBC will be able to target the services provided to equine enthusiasts and facilitate constructive growth opportunities within the horse industry in BC while informing the government on the operation and impact of the BC’s equine industry.
Horsepower in B.C.’s Economy!
Data compilation, analysis and writing provided in kind by the BC Ministry of Agriculture
View the highlights from the 2009 Equine Industry Study
View the complete 2009 Equine Industry Study
This important survey conducted by Horse Council British Columbia (HCBC) found that horses generate an estimated $740 million dollars in economic activity in B.C. and that number may be on the rise.The survey’s results indicate that there are around 100,000 horses in BC on almost 14,000 farms, and that the industry creates some 7200 full time jobs. Moreover, according to survey respondents, more than ninety percent of horse owners will either be maintaining or increasing their involvement in the industry in the next five years, despite the economic climate. Investment in buildings and facilities to house horses increased by 120% since 1998. “The survey results show the value of the horse industry to B.C. Horse owners are optimistic about the future of their industry and are committed to their horses’ well-being,” states Lisa Laycock, executive director of Horse Council B.C. “HCBC is looking forward to developing programs that address issues important for today’s horseman. We appreciate the support of the B.C. provincial government and the Government of Canada for this important initiative.” The survey was conducted in partnership with the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Funding for the survey was provided through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program. This program is delivered in B.C. by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C.
The purpose of the survey was to understand and document the scope and impact of the horse industry within B.C. A previous industry survey was conducted in 1998 and this new study provides data for comparison to monitor the growth of the sector. Survey respondents included the HCBC membership, racing population, breeders and agricultural voices.
View the 2009 Industry Study selected data with updated electoral district numbers.
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