British Columbia Agricultural Council (BCAC) is a non-profit,that provides leadership in advocacy, proactive communication, and facilitates the delivery of programs and services that benefit BC agriculture. Representing over 14,000 BC farmers and ranchers our mission is to continually improve the social, economic and environmental sustainability of BC farmers and ranchers.
AgSafe BC has Regional Safety Consultants throughout the province to provide ongoing safety courses, safety materials and helpful advice to create a safer work environment for BC Agricultural Industry.
Farm Industry Review Board BCFIRB is an independent administrative tribunal responsible for:general supervision of agricultural commodity boards; being a signatory to formal federal-provincial cooperation agreements in regulated marketing; hearing appeals of agricultural commodity board decisions;hearing appeals of Minister of Agriculture decisions to refuse, suspend, revoke or not renew agricultural produce grading licenses; hearing appeals related to BCSPCA animal custody decisions;hearing farm practices complaints from persons disturbed by odour, noise, dust or other disturbances arising from agriculture or certain aquaculture operations; and,conducting farm practices studies.
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