Many people do not realize that their manure is not being managed properly and may damage their property; find out how you can avoid that by visiting the Manure link: Horse Manure Management . This site is an excellent resource for tips and advice on dealing with manure and pasture management. All properties that have horses, must adhere to the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management. The housing and keeping of horses is an agricultural practice, regardless of whether or not you have Farm Status as recognized by BC Assessment.
On February 28, 2019, a new regulation called the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM Code) came into effect. The new AEM Code applies to all agricultural operations in British Columbia, from small hobby farms to large commercial operations.
Read the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management
All agricultural operations, regardless of type or size, need to follow a basic level of protection. Additional measures are required for operations in high-risk areas (e.g., over vulnerable aquifers, phosphorus-affected areas) and operating during high-risk conditions (e.g., during storms, flooding and strong winds).
High-Risk Areas
The regulation identifies high-risk areas as areas:
- with high precipitation – 600 mm or more of precipitation between October 1 and April 30
- over vulnerable aquifers – groundwater vulnerable to pollution or contamination from the land, and
- that are phosphorus-affected – areas of land that drain into surface water bodies that may be affected by high levels of phosphorus.
Your agricultural operation could be in one or more of these areas.
AEM Code Actions for Horses
Horses for Clean Water provides information on mud management and composting manure. If you have Farm Status you may be able to access services and resources under the provincial Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Program . The EFP advisers are available to assist and offer guidance and support as well as help answer any questions you might have about your farm and environmental issues.
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