27 11, 2017

BC Fires: Canadian Red Cross Support to Small Businesses, Not-for-Profit Organizations and First Nations Cultural Livelihoods


The Canadian Red Cross is committed to supporting small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and First Nations cultural livelihoods (First Nation people whose primary means of livelihood is based [...]

BC Fires: Canadian Red Cross Support to Small Businesses, Not-for-Profit Organizations and First Nations Cultural Livelihoods2017-11-27T13:08:09-08:00
7 11, 2017

HCBC Attends Ag Days in Victoria


Members of HCBC Staff, Board of Directors and Representatives from BC Equine Associations came together to attend the BC Agriculture Council’s Ag Day in Victoria [...]

HCBC Attends Ag Days in Victoria2017-11-10T12:00:36-08:00
11 08, 2017

Horse Council BC, the Victoria Military Music Festival Society and the RCMP Musical Ride to host a free biosecurity workshop for local horse owners on Vancouver Island


Langley, BC – August 09, 2017 - Horse Council BC is pleased to be able to work with the RCMP Musical Ride, Victoria Military Music [...]

Horse Council BC, the Victoria Military Music Festival Society and the RCMP Musical Ride to host a free biosecurity workshop for local horse owners on Vancouver Island2017-08-11T14:46:55-07:00

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