Over the past 9 months, Horse Council has performed an extensive review of our Constitution and By-laws. Changes to the Constitution and new Bylaws have been drafted for Member’s approval in order for Horse Council to be compliant with the New BC Societies Act by the November 28th deadline.
Mail in ballots are due August 16th and can be found here
The complete by-law package can be found here!
Senior members can also cast their vote at the General Meeting to be held on August 21st.
General Meeting Details:
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Time: 6:30 PM Registration
7:00 PM Meeting Begins
Location: Krause Berry Farm & Estate Winery
6179 248th Street, Langley BC
More information: https://hcbc.ca/index.php/news-events-2/annual-general-meetings/
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