Trailhead Advocacy Grant
Horse Council BC is excited to launch our new grant program that will fund trailhead events with the focus to promote multi-user trail safety through education.
The grant will support events where an organization goes out into the field and engages with trail users to educate them on safe trail interactions.
An approved grant is awarded $200 to cover expenses for the event.
Who Can Apply:
Horse Council BC Affiliate, Club, or Branch/ Chapter
One application per year, per organization will be approved for the trailhead advocacy grant.
Applying for the grant:
Complete the application form below electronically by using the fillable Adobe PDF
Provide permission from the land manager for the event in writing. (I.E.: – BC Parks, BC Rec. Sites & Trails, Regional Districts, Municipalities, etc.)
HCBC Trailhead Advocacy Grant Application – Fillable
Email your application to [email protected]
Application must be received 30 days before the event. This allows time for processing your grant request and mailing out promotional material.
Grants are approved on a first come first serve basis and are available until funds are exhausted.
Grant Reporting:
Complete the final report form below electronically by using the fillable Adobe PDF
HCBC Trailhead Advocacy Grant Final Report – Fillable
Email your report and photos to [email protected]
The post event report must be received within 30 days following the event.
Trail Partners Foundation: https://www.trailpartners.org/ (Slow & Say Hello Program)
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